This assignment contributes to the overall objective of the PharmaVax Ghana programme to ensure that the public and private ecosystems of Ghana"s pharmaceutical industry contribute to more competitive local manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. Specifically, the assignment supports the achievement of the specific objectives and indicators related to component 4 on private sector development. Component 4 aims to strengthen local pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers" capacities with regard to international good practices in the area of manufacturing and market access, so they become more competitive, can expand their own market activities and become more attractive for cooperation with international players. The hypothesis is that compliance with international manufacturing standards and/or international business-to-business cooperation for technology transfer will increase the quality of the products, resulting in new sales markets and higher sales for Ghanaian manufacturers. Higher productivity and quality standards of local pharmaceutical manufacturers also make Ghana more attractive as a location for international investors. Key partners are the Ghanaian pharmaceutical manufacturers and their associations, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana (PMAG) and the Small-Scale Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana (SSPMAG).
The contractor is responsible for the following four work packages and for achieving the corresponding milestones. These work packages fall under component 4 but there are strong links to the other components, as well as with further activities under component 4 implemented by GIZ staff or other contractors or financing recipients, such as activities to promote trade capacities of manufacturers, investment promotion activities or support to business associations. Across all work packages, the contractor must ensure that the beneficiaries, which are local for-profit companies, are selected through open and transparent processes.
Work package A: Business development, new markets and local value chains
Technical support to Ghanaian pharmaceutical manufacturers on business development is crucial to compete with often cheaper imported products. An unpredictable and fragmented pharmaceutical market on the African continent is another challenge to be addressed. To enable manufacturers to mature and diversify their business, enter new markets and reach economies of scale, holistic support along the value chain and strong coordination is needed. Business Development Services (BDS) provided by the contractor must as far as possible be provided through local resources in order to build rather than crowd-out local capacities and also be coordinated with local business associations to ensure coherence. Key areas include:
1. General concept for BDS
2. Financing and controlling
3. Marketing
4. Product development
5. Green production and transformation
6. Human Resources (HR) and diversity management
7. Digitalisation of business processes ("digital transformation")
8. Market analysis and market entry studies
9. Integration of local support industries into the pharmaceutical value chain
Work package B: Partnerships, technology transfers, licensing and intellectual property management
The contractor shall prepare Ghanaian manufacturers for international cooperation (including technology transfers) and ultimately facilitate the partnerships for pharmaceutical manufacturing. A particular focus should be on the vaccine manufacturers.
Work package C: International standards and practices
While Ghanaian manufacturers produce under local Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) conditions and are regulated by the Ghanaian Food and Drugs Authority, there is still a need to improve and comply with international standards and practices (EU GMP, US current GMP, etc.). A proof of compliance with international standards and practices (Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S), World Health Organization prequalification) will enable local manufacturers to participate in international tenders (Global Fund, UNICEF, etc.), enter new and strictly regulated markets (EU, Asia) and increase their competitiveness. The contractor shall prepare Ghanaian manufacturers for compliance with international standards and practices and ultimately facilitate the assessment of compliance. A particular focus should be on the vaccine manufacturers.
Work package D: Call for Proposals for small-scale manufacturers
Together with SSPMAG, a competition will be launched to provide technical, material and financial support for innovative proposals from micro and small producers. The support should specifically address quality upgrade and product diversification and innovation of SSPMAG member companies. The proposals developed for the call for proposals could aim at developing of new formulations or product lines including technical support and training, procurement of required small-scale equipment, procurement of required reagents and raw materials, etc. The proposal could also target improved marketing of already approved products (awareness raising campaigns, etc). Another aspect of the proposal could be advice on upgrade and renovation of manufacturing facilities to meet Ghana Food and Drugs Authority requirements and improve quality-assured production. Further details are to be confirmed during the development of the call for proposals. Support to 10 projects with a duration of up to 24 months each is expected (number and duration to be confirmed during concept development). Incentives should be provided to ensure that women benefit equally as entrepreneurs.