Supporting Ghanaian pharmaceutical manufacturers
VO: VgV Vergabeart: Verhandlungsverfahren mit Teilnahmewettbewerb Status: Veröffentlicht


08.04.2025 12:00 Uhr



Adresse des Auftraggebers

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5
Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner mbB Rechtsanwälte
+49 69719189012

Angaben zum Auftraggeber

Von einer Bundesbehörde kontrolliertes oder finanziertes öffentliches Unternehmen
Allgemeine öffentliche Verwaltung

Gemeinsame Beschaffung

Weitere Auskünfte
Rechtsbehelfsverfahren / Nachprüfungsverfahren

Stelle, die Auskünfte über die Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen erteilt

Zuständige Stelle für Rechtsbehelfs-/Nachprüfungsverfahren

Vergabekammern des Bundes
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 16
+49 2289499-0
+49 2289499-163

Zuständige Stelle für Schlichtungsverfahren


Klassifikation des Auftrags


Umfang der Beschaffung

Kurze Beschreibung

Access to affordable and high-quality vaccines and medicines is fundamental to ensuring the well-being of any population. Today, Ghana imports 70 % of the pharmaceutical products and 100 % of the vaccines it needs. As in many African nations, this reliance on imported pharmaceutical products is straining both the economy and public health security. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the vulnerabilities inherent in this dependency, highlighting the importance for self-reliance and resilient healthcare systems.

Ghana is therefore embarking on an ambitious initiative aimed at enhancing local manufacturing capacities for vaccines and medicines to foster availability and accessibility. The pharmaceutical sector has also been identified as an anchor industry for Ghana's industrial transformation and the creation of decent jobs. On the one hand, Ghana"s pharmaceutical industry faces challenges such as cost-intensive procurement of primary products from abroad, a lack of product diversification, high financing costs and a lack of the necessary technologies, technical capacities and skilled workforce. On the other hand, market opportunities are growing and the industry has a strong basis to build on, such as a network of existing local manufacturers, international collaborations for technology transfer, supply, skills development and research, as well as an enabling policy framework. Ghana thus has the potential to become one of the regional vaccine and pharmaceutical manufacturing hubs in Africa.

Building on this momentum, the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) are co-financing the programme "Strengthening the Ghanaian Pharmaceutical Sector with a Focus on Vaccine Production" (PharmaVax Ghana) as part of the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) Manufacturing and Access to Vaccines, Medicines and Health Technologies (MAV+). GIZ is the implementing agency for this EUR33 million technical cooperation programme running from July 2024 to March 2028.
The programme"s specific objective is to ensure that the public and private ecosystems of Ghana"s pharmaceutical industry contribute to more competitive local manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. Within this ecosystem approach, the programme works on strengthening key enablers for efficient and sustainable vaccine and pharmaceutical manufacturing in Ghana. In particular, it focuses on four key result areas (components):
(1) Governance & Regulation: Enhancing the capacities of Ghanaian public actors to effectively govern, coordinate and regulate pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturing
(2) Skills Development: Institutionalising practice-oriented, gender-responsive skills development measures needed to grow pharmaceutical and vaccine production capacities in Ghana
(3) Research & Development (R&D): Fostering Ghanaian research institutions" applied R&D capacities and industry partnerships to stimulate local innovation in pharmaceutical and vaccine development and manufacturing
(4) Private Sector Development: Enabling Ghanaian pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers to comply with good practices, become attractive for international partnerships and grow their business

Ghana"s Ministry of Finance (MoF) is the programme"s political partner, with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI) and the National Vaccine Institute (NVI) being the key Ghanaian implementing partners. The programme also works in collaboration with the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), line ministries for health, education and sciences, Ghana"s pharmaceutical manufacturers, private sector associations as well as relevant research and training institutions and it will create linkages with other African, European and international initiatives, research institutions and companies.

GIZ intends to contract a service provider for the implementation of four work packages within component 4 of the PharmaVax Ghana the programme.

Beschreibung der Beschaffung (Art und Umfang der Dienstleistung bzw. Angabe der Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen)

This assignment contributes to the overall objective of the PharmaVax Ghana programme to ensure that the public and private ecosystems of Ghana"s pharmaceutical industry contribute to more competitive local manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. Specifically, the assignment supports the achievement of the specific objectives and indicators related to component 4 on private sector development. Component 4 aims to strengthen local pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers" capacities with regard to international good practices in the area of manufacturing and market access, so they become more competitive, can expand their own market activities and become more attractive for cooperation with international players. The hypothesis is that compliance with international manufacturing standards and/or international business-to-business cooperation for technology transfer will increase the quality of the products, resulting in new sales markets and higher sales for Ghanaian manufacturers. Higher productivity and quality standards of local pharmaceutical manufacturers also make Ghana more attractive as a location for international investors. Key partners are the Ghanaian pharmaceutical manufacturers and their associations, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana (PMAG) and the Small-Scale Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana (SSPMAG).

The contractor is responsible for the following four work packages and for achieving the corresponding milestones. These work packages fall under component 4 but there are strong links to the other components, as well as with further activities under component 4 implemented by GIZ staff or other contractors or financing recipients, such as activities to promote trade capacities of manufacturers, investment promotion activities or support to business associations. Across all work packages, the contractor must ensure that the beneficiaries, which are local for-profit companies, are selected through open and transparent processes.

Work package A: Business development, new markets and local value chains

Technical support to Ghanaian pharmaceutical manufacturers on business development is crucial to compete with often cheaper imported products. An unpredictable and fragmented pharmaceutical market on the African continent is another challenge to be addressed. To enable manufacturers to mature and diversify their business, enter new markets and reach economies of scale, holistic support along the value chain and strong coordination is needed. Business Development Services (BDS) provided by the contractor must as far as possible be provided through local resources in order to build rather than crowd-out local capacities and also be coordinated with local business associations to ensure coherence. Key areas include:
1. General concept for BDS
2. Financing and controlling
3. Marketing
4. Product development
5. Green production and transformation
6. Human Resources (HR) and diversity management
7. Digitalisation of business processes ("digital transformation")
8. Market analysis and market entry studies
9. Integration of local support industries into the pharmaceutical value chain

Work package B: Partnerships, technology transfers, licensing and intellectual property management

The contractor shall prepare Ghanaian manufacturers for international cooperation (including technology transfers) and ultimately facilitate the partnerships for pharmaceutical manufacturing. A particular focus should be on the vaccine manufacturers.

Work package C: International standards and practices

While Ghanaian manufacturers produce under local Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) conditions and are regulated by the Ghanaian Food and Drugs Authority, there is still a need to improve and comply with international standards and practices (EU GMP, US current GMP, etc.). A proof of compliance with international standards and practices (Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S), World Health Organization prequalification) will enable local manufacturers to participate in international tenders (Global Fund, UNICEF, etc.), enter new and strictly regulated markets (EU, Asia) and increase their competitiveness. The contractor shall prepare Ghanaian manufacturers for compliance with international standards and practices and ultimately facilitate the assessment of compliance. A particular focus should be on the vaccine manufacturers.

Work package D: Call for Proposals for small-scale manufacturers

Together with SSPMAG, a competition will be launched to provide technical, material and financial support for innovative proposals from micro and small producers. The support should specifically address quality upgrade and product diversification and innovation of SSPMAG member companies. The proposals developed for the call for proposals could aim at developing of new formulations or product lines including technical support and training, procurement of required small-scale equipment, procurement of required reagents and raw materials, etc. The proposal could also target improved marketing of already approved products (awareness raising campaigns, etc). Another aspect of the proposal could be advice on upgrade and renovation of manufacturing facilities to meet Ghana Food and Drugs Authority requirements and improve quality-assured production. Further details are to be confirmed during the development of the call for proposals. Support to 10 projects with a duration of up to 24 months each is expected (number and duration to be confirmed during concept development). Incentives should be provided to ensure that women benefit equally as entrepreneurs.

Umfang der Auftragsvergabe


Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems

Laufzeit in Monaten

GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.



Ort im betreffenden Land

Weitere Erfüllungsorte



Weitere Informationen

Angaben zu Mitteln der europäischen Union

Angaben zu KMU

Angaben zu Optionen

GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.

Zusätzliche Angaben

The contracting authority reserves the right to purchase services consisting of the repetition of similar services entrusted to the undertaking to which the same contracting authority awarded an initial contract, provided that these services are in conformity with a basic project for which the initial contract was awarded. (see Sec. 14 para. 4 no. 9 Public Procurement Regulation).




Verhandlungsverfahren mit Teilnahmewettbewerb

Angaben zum Verfahren

Angaben zum Beschaffungsübereinkommen (GPA)

Besondere Methoden und Instrumente im Vergabeverfahren

Angaben zur Rahmenvereinbarung


Angaben zum dynamischen Beschaffungssystem


Angaben zur elektronischen Auktion

Angaben zur Wiederkehr von Aufträgen

Angaben zur Wiederkehr von Aufträgen

Begrenzung der Bieter

Begrenzung der Bieter

Strategische Auftragsvergabe

Strategische Auftragsvergabe

Gesetz über die Beschaffung sauberer Straßenfahrzeuge

Angaben zu elektronischen Arbeitsabläufen

Angaben zu elektronischen Arbeitsabläufen


Sprache der Auftragsunterlagen

Sonstiges / Weitere Angaben


Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen

According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected,
2. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice.
3. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids,
4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint.
Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.

Weitere Angaben

Frühere Bekanntmachung zu diesem Verfahren

Zusätzliche Informationen

All communication takes place in English via communication tool in the project area of the procurement portal.


Anforderungen an Angebote / Teilnahmeanträge

Sprache(n), in der (denen) Angebote / Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können


Varianten / Alternativangebote

Elektronische Kataloge

Nicht zulässig

Mehrere Angebote pro Bieter

Nicht zulässig




Nach Ermessen des Käufers können alle fehlenden Bieterunterlagen nach Fristablauf nachgereicht werden.

GIZ asks the applicant or bidder to submit, complete or correct documents, within the framework laid down by law.



Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).

Please refer to the exclusion criteria §§ 123 and 124 GWB (see tender documents, form Self-declaration of eligibility by tenderers).


Eignungskriterien / Ausschreibungsbedingungen


Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit

1) Declaration on the average annual turnover for the last 3 financial years (last-but-4 financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last financial year): at least 5,000,000 EUR (five millions).

2) Declaration on the average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar years: at least 20 persons.

The relevant form provided by GIZ is to be used.

Gewichtung für den Zugang zur nächsten Stufe



A. Further eligibilty criteria

1) Name and address of the company, legal form, registered office (country), owners and controlling parties, commercial register number/dirstrict court, bank account, tax number, VAT identification number, brief company profile and contact in event of queries.

2) Self-declaration that no grounds for exclusion in Section 123, 124 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB), section 22 of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and EU-Russian sanctions as well as that in the last three years no custodial sentence of more than three years or a fine of more than 90 daily rates or a fine of more than two thousand five hundred euros, which resulted in an entry in the Competition Register, been imposed for noncompliance as specified in section 124 (2) of the German Act against Restraints on Competition (GWB) apply.

3) If a candidate/tenderer wishes to use the capacities of another company for the execution of the contract or to prove his/her eligibility, she/he must prove by submitting a declaration of commitment that the corresponding capacities are available to him/her for the execution of the contract and a declaration that no grounds for exclusion pursuant to Section 123 GWB and/or Section 124 GWB apply to them must be submitted. For the purpose for eligibility through reliance upon the capacities of other entities, please use the form provided by GIZ.

4) In the case of participation as a bidding consortium: tenderers must appoint a leading member and authorise this member to represent the group and to receive payments with discharging effect also for the other members. A corresponding agreement, signed by all members, must be attached to the application for participation. For this purpose, the form provided by GIZ must be used.

The relevant form provided by GIZ is to be used.

If more than 5 requests to participate are submitted, a selection on the basis of the follwoing criteria will be made and tenders only from the 5 candidates with the highest scores will invited. We reserve the right to cancel the procurement procedure if we receive fewer than 3 requests to participate. The selction criteria are as follows (see also the eligibility grid):

B. Selection criteria (weighted criteria according to the eligibilty assessment grid):

I. Technical experience

1. Implementing Business Development Services for SMEs: 10 %
2. Supporting product development and/or market entry strategies of pharmaceutical manufacturers: 15 %
3. Supporting the implementation of international good practices (GxP) at pharmaceutical manufacturers: 20 %
4. Promoting direct investments by international companies in foreign markets: 10 %
5. Supporting intellectual property-related partnerships in the pharmaceutical sector (e.g. technology transfer, contract manufacturing): 15 %

II. Regional experience

Western Africa: 10 %

III. Experience of development projects (ODA-financed)

Experience of development projects (at least 50% ODA-financed): 20 %

Gewichtung für den Zugang zur nächsten Stufe


Eignung zur Berufsausübung
Eignung zur Berufsausübung

1) Extract from the commercial register or equivalent evidence/proof in English or German (not older than six months).

Gewichtung für den Zugang zur nächsten Stufe


Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit
Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit

It is necessary to provide

(1) at least three reference projects in the technical field "private sector development in the pharmaceutical sector"

(2) thereof at least one reference project in low, lower middle and upper middle income countries (World Bank Group Country Income Group Classification for FY 2025) in the above-mentioned technical field.

Each of the reference projects must be in the last three years with a minimum commission value of at least 300,000 EUR.

The relevant countries are listed in the tender documents.

The relevant form provided by GIZ is to be used.

Gewichtung für den Zugang zur nächsten Stufe


An advance payment guarantee may be required

Rechtsform des Bieters

Bedingungen für den Auftrag

Bedingungen für den Auftrag

The execution conditions result from the information given in the contract notice and the tender documents.

Angaben zu geschützten Beschäftigungsverhältnissen


Angaben zur reservierten Teilnahme

Angaben zur beruflichen Qualifikation

Erforderlich für den Teilnahmeantrag

Angaben zur Sicherheitsüberprüfung