81314705- Review of the SADC Regional Strategic Action Plan on Integrated Water Re...
PR: UVgO Type of Publication:   Open procedure Status: Published



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CSX 21 - Bekanntmachung.pdf 13.3 KB 14.02.2025 12:12 o'clock  

Contracting authority / source

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Submission deadline

24.03.2025 12:00 local time

Time limit to submit queries

19.03.2025 23:59 local time

The contracting authority has allowed the following options to submit a tender



Subject matter of the contract

90713000-8 Environmental issues consultancy services

71311300-4 Infrastructure works consultancy services

71313000-5 Environmental engineering consultancy services

75211200-0 Foreign economic-aid-related services

90713100-9 Consulting services for water-supply and waste-water other than for construction

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