The epidemiological context in Africa is characterised by ongoing outbreaks of new and recurrent infectious diseases with epidemic potential. The ongoing Mpox and Marburg virus disease outbreaks are playing a major role in exacerbating the epidemiological situation in the African Union (AU) member states. As a relatively young institution still in the process of fully developing its systems and processes, Africa CDC as the autonomous health institution of the AU is faced with high expectations in combatting ongoing and emerging health threats on the continent. Therefore, coordinating partners and effectively implementing measures to combat outbreaks are essential.
In 2021, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has commissioned the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with the project "Strengthening Crisis and Pandemic Response in Africa" (SCPRA). The project's goal is to enhance the resilience of the Africa CDC by strengthening its institutional and programmatic capabilities. This includes bolstering its coordination role with global, regional and national health institutions; strengthening public health institutions, fostering community engagement, particularly young people; and strengthening digital health capacities on the continent.
The project supports Africa CDC to sustainably institutionalise selected organisational functions through standardisation of work processes and skills development measures. A more strategic and targeted internal, external, social media and risk communication will contribute to the institution"s ability to deliver on its mandate.
The implementing partner of the project is the Africa CDC. The project also assists other continental health institutions such as the African Medicines Agency (AMA) and the Africa Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation (APTF).
The SCPRA project has four outputs
Output 1 strengthens institutional capacities at Africa CDC in relation to selected organisational functions. This tender is focusing on Output 1 only
Output 2 strengthens Africa CDC"s coordination role on public health matters on the African continent
Output 3 strengthens the institutional capacities of AMA and APTF through selected organisational development measures
Output 4 improves the conditions for strengthening human and institutional capacities for digital health in the Africa CDC and AU member states
The SCPRA has already provided support to Africa CDC through a subcontracted consultancy firm in 2024 to develop its communication strategies and complementary action plans:
1. Africa CDC Corporate Communication Strategy
2. Africa CDC Internal Communication Strategy
3. Africa CDC Digital and Social Media Strategy
4. Africa CDC Continental Risk Communication and Community Engagement Strategy
These strategies will guide the entire organisation, programme, and interventions. They also ensure that all communication activities, products, and materials work in harmony to achieve Africa CDC corporate strategic goals.
The services outlined in this contract will build upon this previous work to support the implementation of Africa CDC's communication strategies.
Summary of work packages to be performed under this contract:
- Provide support to the socialisation and implementation of Africa CDC's communication strategies through technical advisory services to Africa CDC
- Support to the GIZ SCPRA Project and its partners (esp. AMA) in their strategic positioning in the global health landscape
Target group of the assignment
The target group is the entire population of the AU, comprising around 1.3 billion people. The intermediaries at regional level are the Africa CDC staff who work as experts and managers, including at the RCCs, through whom the target group is reached. At national level, the intermediaries are experts and managers at the health ministries and public health institutes in the 55 Member States of the African Union.