Burkina Faso is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world. According to the Human Development Index 2022 of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Burkina Faso ranks 184th out of 191 countries. Burkina Faso has been facing a multidimensional crisis for several years now: (security) political, humanitarian and socio-economic.
The security situation is worrying. Regular terrorist attacks lead to the displacement of the population from insecure regions (e.g. north, east) and from the northern regions to the southern and central regions. The political situation has remained unstable and increasingly authoritarian since the two coups in 2022. Opposition members, human rights activists and civil society organisations have recently been increasingly the victims of repression.
At municipal level, elected structures (mayors and municipal councils) have been dissolved and run by transitional delegations (Délégations Spéciales), which are headed by representatives of the central government in the form of prefects.
As part of the TC module "Decentralisation and Social Cohesion in Burkina Faso" (Programme Décentralisation et Cohésion Sociale, PDCS), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is promoting transparent, participatory and inclusive local governance in a total of 36 partner municipalities in the Cascades, Hauts Bassins and Sud-Ouest regions (term until 12/2027).
The central cross-cutting theme is the promotion of women and young people in local governance and the development of capacities and mechanisms to take better account of the needs of women, children and young people in local matters.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH would like to contract an international consulting firm to provide national and international experts for the implementation of a total of three work packages. These are 1) Promoting women in local governance by creating an institutional environment for women's participation in local decision-making processes, 2) Promoting children and youth in local development and 3) Strengthening the inclusiveness of local participation and accountability processes. The future contractor will thus contribute in particular to the implementation of output 2 of the TC module and make an important contribution to achieving the overall objective.