VO: VgV Vergabeart: Offenes Verfahren Status: Veröffentlicht


24.03.2025 12:00 Uhr
24.03.2025 12:00 Uhr



Adresse des Auftraggebers

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5
+49 6196792173
+49 6196791115

Angaben zum Auftraggeber

Von einer Bundesbehörde kontrolliertes oder finanziertes öffentliches Unternehmen
Allgemeine öffentliche Verwaltung

Gemeinsame Beschaffung

Weitere Auskünfte
Rechtsbehelfsverfahren / Nachprüfungsverfahren

Stelle, die Auskünfte über die Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen erteilt

Zuständige Stelle für Rechtsbehelfs-/Nachprüfungsverfahren

Vergabekammern des Bundes
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 16
+49 2289499-0
+49 2289499-163

Zuständige Stelle für Schlichtungsverfahren


Klassifikation des Auftrags


Umfang der Beschaffung

Kurze Beschreibung

The extended implementation of the "National Monitoring Information System for Municipal Solid Waste" (NMISW) plans to enhance the monitoring capacity of decision-making entities in the field of waste management. Basing efforts on an already operating system, developed from a previous project funded by the EU and implemented by the Environment Agency Austria (EAA), it will be further improved with regards to security, usability, capacities, and overall scalability and performance. The web-based information system will continue to better facilitate the collection of real-time data from several landfills (including gas emissions) and sorting stations. It will also provide a register for transporters and collectors of waste, as foreseen in the national legislation.

Beschreibung der Beschaffung (Art und Umfang der Dienstleistung bzw. Angabe der Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen)

The services to be provided are aiming the further enhancement and development of the already existing NMISW, focusing on improving system functionality, addressing technical issues, and enhancing user engagement and system usability through a comprehensive training programme.
The primary objectives of this procurement are to conduct the following:

1. System Update: This including the review and improvement of the deployment architecture, the overall architecture design, upgrading the current software stack and the resolution of current bugs and inclusion of user feedback.

2. Bug Fixing: Resolving bugs already defined and to be determined after the inception phase.

3. Improved and standardized processes: Review and implement standardized processes to improve UX, security, data consistency and accurateness, improved monitoring, and collaboration.

4. Registration design and development: Completing the registration function for waste generators and recyclers.

5. Enhanced security: The system needs improvements in data security. Key measures include enhancing encryption protocols of data transferred from the 11 landfills and transfer stations to the system, conducting regular security audits, and establishing stronger access controls to safeguard sensitive data.

6. Improved reporting: Review and improve the system"s reporting capabilities in collaboration with partners, considering relevant strategies, KPIs, and overarching goals to ensure the effectively serve the interest of users and the Ministry of Environment.

7. Real-Time Data Collection and Sensor Connectivity: Real-time data collection with focus on some installation works of weighing bridges, sensors, or leachates.

8. Onboarding: of new user group (municipality): Facilitate the integration of municipalities as new users within the system, including necessary training and support.

9. Utilisation Plan: To develop a plan to maximize effectiveness of the system and its usage.

10. Capacity Building: Targeted training for various groups, including staff from municipalities and Joint Service Councils (JSCs); landfill managers, waste generators, and recyclers; and government personnel (user, administrators and decision-makers) from the MoEnv, GAM, and MoLA.

Umfang der Auftragsvergabe


Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems

Laufzeit in Monaten

GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.



Ort im betreffenden Land

Weitere Erfüllungsorte



Weitere Informationen

Angaben zu Mitteln der europäischen Union

Angaben zu KMU

Angaben zu Optionen

GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.

Zusätzliche Angaben




Offenes Verfahren

Angaben zum Verfahren

Angaben zum Beschaffungsübereinkommen (GPA)

Besondere Methoden und Instrumente im Vergabeverfahren

Angaben zur Rahmenvereinbarung


Angaben zum dynamischen Beschaffungssystem


Angaben zur elektronischen Auktion

Angaben zur Wiederkehr von Aufträgen

Angaben zur Wiederkehr von Aufträgen

Strategische Auftragsvergabe

Strategische Auftragsvergabe

Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung


Gleichstellung von ethnischen Gruppen
Gleichstellung der Geschlechter
Sorgfaltspflicht im Bereich der Menschenrechte in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten
Fairere Arbeitsbedingungen
Kernarbeitsnormen der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (IAO) entlang der globalen Wertschöpfungskette

Gesetz über die Beschaffung sauberer Straßenfahrzeuge

Angaben zu elektronischen Arbeitsabläufen

Angaben zu elektronischen Arbeitsabläufen


Sprache der Auftragsunterlagen

Sonstiges / Weitere Angaben



Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen

According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected,
2. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice.
3. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids,
4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint.
Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.

Frühere Bekanntmachung zu diesem Verfahren

Zusätzliche Informationen

All communication takes place in English via communication tool in the project area of the procurement portal.


Anforderungen an Angebote / Teilnahmeanträge

Sprache(n), in der (denen) Angebote / Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können


Varianten / Alternativangebote

Elektronische Kataloge

Nicht zulässig

Mehrere Angebote pro Bieter




Bedingungen für die Öffnung der Angebote


Nach Ermessen des Käufers können einige fehlenden Bieterunterlagen nach Fristablauf nachgereicht werden.

GIZ asks the applicant or bidder to submit, complete or correct documents, within the framework laid down by law.



In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.

In accordance with §§ 123,124 GWB.


Eignungskriterien / Ausschreibungsbedingungen


Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit

1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last financial year), at least: 300,000.00 EUR

2. Average number of employees and managers in the last three calendar years, at least 15 persons


Eignung zur Berufsausübung
Eignung zur Berufsausübung

1. Self-declaration: name of company and address, tax ID, registration and commercial register number or equivalent register in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of origin.

2. No grounds for exclusion pursuant to § 123, § 124 GWB, § 22 LkSG

3. Declaration of bidding consortium and/or declaration of subcontractors (if applicable)


Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit
Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit

1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 100,000.00 EUR.

2. At least 3 reference projects in the technical field Corporate Web Applications and at least 1 reference project in the region Western Asia in the last 3 years.


Rechtsform des Bieters

Bedingungen für den Auftrag

Bedingungen für den Auftrag

The execution conditions result from the information given in the contract notice and the tender documents.

Angaben zu geschützten Beschäftigungsverhältnissen


Angaben zur reservierten Teilnahme

Angaben zur beruflichen Qualifikation

Noch nicht bekannt

Angaben zur Sicherheitsüberprüfung