81314705- Review of the SADC Regional Strategic Action Plan on Integrated Water Re...
PR: UVgO Type of Publication:   Open procedure Status: Published

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Cover letter
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81314705 Invitation letter.pdf 17.02.2025 119.9 KB
Specifications for tenders
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81314705 03 Terms of reference_RSAP V Review.pdf 17.02.2025 413.6 KB
81314705 04 Technical assessment_RSAP V Review.pdf 17.02.2025 255.5 KB
Documents to be filled out by the company
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81314705 06 Self declaration on eligibility.docx 17.02.2025 73.2 KB
81314705 07 price schedule.xlsx 17.02.2025 99.5 KB
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81314705 05 draft contract.pdf 17.02.2025 243.7 KB
AVB-2023-en.pdf 17.02.2025 396.8 KB
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81314705 Consortium declaration - if needed.docx 17.02.2025 42.7 KB
Application requirements for the award of contracts for services and work below the EU threshold.pdf 17.02.2025 191.2 KB
data protection information.pdf 17.02.2025 132.3 KB
GIZ Company Guideline VMS Tender procedures.pdf 17.02.2025 1.9 MB
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