The services of the contractor will contribute to Output 1 and Output 5 of the project "Strengthening the efficiency of drinking water and sanitation services in Burkina Faso", which comprise five results, two in Output 1 and three in Output 5.
Activities in Output 1 are designed to secure quantity and quality of drinking water provision to the town of Bobo-Dioulasso through the state-owned drinking water and sanitation company ONEA. Main cooperation partners are ONEA and the Mouhoun Water Agency (Agence de l"eau de Mouhoun, AEM). Further partners are the local structures linked to the management of water resources such as the Kou local water committee and the water police.
Output 5 targets five urban and rural communities in the Hauts-Bassins region, namely Bama, Bobo-Dioulasso, Dandé, Houndé et Karangasso-Vigué. Activities cover construction of simple drinking water systems and latrines for households and schools, measures to improve the management of drinking water and sanitation infrastructure and social behaviour change interventions. Main cooperation partners are the Regional Directorate for Water, Sanitation and Environment (Hauts-Bassins region), ONEA and the five communal administrations.
Reaching the intended results at output level requires a joint effort of the project's partner organisations, GIZ and the contractor. Close cooperation of the contractor with these entities is therefore key.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the following tasks:
Key tasks under Result 1 (The protection of water resources tapped for the drinking water supply of Bobo-Dioulasso is strengthened):
- Support the implementation of measures to protect the wells of the drinking water network of Bobo-Dioulasso:
o Delineate protection zones for five wells of the state owned water and sanitation company ONEA,
o Advise on measures to protect drinking water quality and quantity
- Support the implementation of measures to monitor the water quality of groundwater resources:
o Advise the Mouhoun Water Agency on its water quality monitoring network.
o Elaborate a water quality monitoring plan and train the responsible personnel.
Key tasks under result 2 (Synergy of action between ONEA, the Mouhoun Water Agency, the water police and the local water committee is strengthened):
- Strengthen collaboration between ONEA and concerned actors
- Strengthen capacities of ONEA, the Mouhoun Water agency, the water police, the local water committee and other structures to protect the catchment.
Key tasks under result 3 (drinking water and sanitation infrastructure adapted to the needs of women is made available to vulnerable population groups):
- Surveillance of the construction of 14 simple drinking water systems.
- Surveillance of the construction of approximately 1.600 household latrines and 162 blocks of latrines in schools and health centers.
Key tasks under result 4 (The capacities of public and private actors, with a focus on women and young people, are strengthened for the management of sanitation services):
- Strengthen the organisational capacities of ONEA and the Regional Directorate of Water, Sanitation and Environment to build sanitation facilities and to set up the management of sanitation facilities in schools and health centers.
- Support setting up the management of latrines in 162 schools and health centers in 5 communities.
- Develop or revise training modules in the management of sanitation services targeting municipal personnel and carry out the training in collaboration with ONEA's training center.
- Draw up a detailed plan for implementing the existing value chain management concept for on-site sanitation for the town of Houndé.
- Support expanding the employment of women and young people in the sanitation sector though the development and revision of training modules.
Key tasks under result 5 (Local authorities manage drinking water services within their areas in a sustainable and resilient way):
- Strengthen the management of drinking water utilities in semi-urban areas of 5 municipalities:
o Evaluate the state of drinking water facilities of the DREA-HBS (outside the ONEA network) and performance of the contracted service providers.
o Revise a training module for trainers on the management of drinking water points in collaboration with ONEA's training center.
- Strengthen capacities on the integration of the emergency aid - development - peace nexus and gender aspects.